Thursday, April 24, 2008

Glorious Revolution

1. Summary on Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution was the overthrow of King James II of England. The Glorious revolution is also known as the Revolution of 1688. The group responsible for the overthrow of King James II was a Union of Parliamentarians and William III of Orange-Nassau also known as William of Orange. After overthrowing King James II, William of Orange became king of England and became known as William III of England. This revolution is also known as the Bloodless Revolution but that is not necessarily true. There was a good amount of bloodshed in this revolution. So basically the purpose of this was to get rid of James and to restore the protestant influence in Europe.

The reason why I think this was an important Revolution is the following. I think it is important to be able to have all kinds of people in power and that there religion should not determine whether they are eligible or not. If the king was making the whole nation catholic and I was a protestant I would not like this. King James II also presented himself as a butt hole and a person who treated his people bad. King James did not allow any protestant to be in power and killed all those who had been in power. It was important to those who were protestant to get rid of King James and he deserved it. That’s all I have to say about the subject.

2. Define Satire
Satire is something meant to make fun of human nature or a person. On “Comedy Central” there are a lot of examples of satire. There is a television show on this channel called “Little Bush”. If you haven’t guessed what the shows about yet let me tell you. This show makes fun of the current president George W. Bush. In the show he is a little cartoon character and is real short and talks about the stupidest things you can image. The show uses real events that happen in real life to President Bush. The only difference is that on the show they slightly exaggerate President Bush’s reaction to these events. “Lil Bush”

3. Response to “A modest Proposal”
When i finished reading "A Modest Proposal" i didn't really understand the point of it until i thought about the story for a couple of minutes. What i think Jonathan Swift was trying to do is making fun of how the Irish wont help out there own people. In this story he makes fun of how the kingdom is setup and how the wealthy people have so much money, but don't bother helping people out. He mocks the way the wealthy act towards the beggars but in turn don't want to help them out.

4. Response to The Diary of Samuel Pepys
In this diary Samuel Pepys writes about two things. First he talks about the coronation of Charles II. Another thing he talks about is the fire that wiped out most of London. This journal entry was kind of hard because the way people wrote during this time.

When Samuel talked about the King he kept talking about how he was around for everything and how it was so nice to have been there for such occasion. Here is a phrase which i read in the book " i went from table to table to see the Bishops and all others at their dinner, and was infinite pleased with it". So you can see that for people in this time being around for the coronation of the King was a big thing and to eat around the King was also a big deal.

The fire that destroyed London was also mentioned in the diary entry. Samuel Pepys described how the fire was growing by the minute and how the people didn't even try to put the fire out. He mentioned how he was worried and couldn't sleep the night the fire started to spread towards his house. In this phrase he talks about how the people were not trying to put out the fire, "and nobody to my sight endeavoring to quench it, but to remove their goods and leave all to the fire". The journal entry described how the people were all running with their belongings. The reason i believe people took there belongings was because that's probably all they owned besides there home. Well this journal entry was rare but interesting.

5.whats important to people during restoration
Many of the things i believe were important to these people was things like their belongings and their money. Another things was also being around for big events like the crowning of the king. The reason i say this is because its what i read in the diary of Samuel Pepys. In the diary it says " Everybody endeavoring to remove their goods". That phrase right there is a good example of goods being important to the people of this time. Another thing was being able to attend important events. In a diary entry Pepys talks about how there was going to be a feast at the kings place and how alot of people where going to be there for it. So this clearly shows that events like these were always filled with people fo this time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Novel Project

Critical essay “Brave New World”

To find the historical significance of Brave New World you must do some intensive research and as I did read some other essays relating to this topic. In this essay I will talk about how this novel is a fine work of literature. I will also try to explain why this book should be read and discussed in a literature class. Another thing I would like to discuss and explain is the main idea Huxley is trying to get across by writing this novel.
“In the first chapter, the D.H.C. proudly explains the biochemical technology that makes possible the production of virtually identical human beings and, in doing so, introduces Huxley’s theme of individuality under assault”(Cliff Notes). This author clearly states the main topic of the novel. The main idea of the novel was to open the readers mind to the fact that the governments in this world are taking away the right to think and function as an individual. Many things going on around Huxley’s time lead him to believe this. Huxley was clearly taking the current events during his time and tying them into his book to explain in a fictional world what is happening in the real world.
Huxley argues, control through reward poses a greater threat to human freedom because, unlike punishment it can be introduced unconsciously and continued indefinitely, with the approval and support of the people being controlled (Cliff notes). What the author is saying is pretty simple, society will become numb to the fact that the government is controlling them because, the government in turn is giving the people something that takes their worries away and at the same time puts them in a state of mind were they can be controlled. This is what Huxley wants us to realize and prevent from happening. Huxley believes in a free minded and individualistic society.
“The literal consumption of soma-like drugs also captures Huxley’s attention. By the 1950s, readily available tranquilizers adjusted people to a maladjusted culture, smoothing out any inconvenient instincts of resistance, just as a soma- holiday eliminated the recognition of unhappiness”(cliff notes). So as you can see the government during Huxley’s time was already inventing soma like drugs to numb people to the reality of life. This is another example used by Huxley to prove his point that the government is slowly taking control over the minds of individuals. This is a prime example of the government controlling people by rewarding them. “Soma distribution!” shouted a loud voice. “In good order please. Hurry up there”, this is an example from BNW where all the kids are lined up to receive soma. All the kids get excited to receive there soma pills and at the same time are blinded to the fact that the pills are being used to brain wash them. This and many other ways is how Huxley tries to make us realize that the government will reward us and keep us satisfied but at the same tie start to manipulate the way we act.
The use of the assembly line by the Ford motor company was also tied in to the story. In the book the people kept saying “Oh Ford” and they would refer to Ford as God. The reason for this was because Ford had invented the assembly line which was used for the mass production of humans (In BNW). Huxley probably saw the affect the assembly line had on the production of cars and how society looked up to Henry Ford as a great person for his great invention. Here is another example of the assembly line being used in the book “Slowly, majestically, with a faint humming of machinery, the Conveyors moved forward, thirty-three centimeters an hour”. So as you can see Ford was deified for creating the main fundamentals used to keep society at a balance in BNW.

This book should definitely be used in a literature class. The book is not a boring book at all and it has a lot to do with what is going on around us. Huxley probably did not intend BNW to a prophetic piece of literature but it has definitely become one. Huxley wants us as society to open our eyes and see that the government is trying to take away our individualism. “In general, Huxley warns his readers that they may be talking themselves into accepting a world that they would reject, if only they were fully conscious of its nature. But, distracted by consumerism and pleasure, people seldom truly engage the reality they are living, just as the citizens of the brave new world seldom recognize the restraints of their society. Unconscious manipulation through language—propaganda—keeps individual minds open to any suggestions, even the most inhuman’ (cliff notes). This is why the book should be read in literature class not just because it is a good prophecy but because it opens up the minds of its readers and that is what literature class should be all about. Literature should be about making your mind more aware of your surroundings and introducing you to new ideas.
Reading this book really opened up my mind to a lot of things which I did not realize before. The whole concept of the government taking away our individuality was new to me. I am now more open minded about the way life should be and how our individuality is so important. This is a fantastic book and I highly recommend it to all book readers out there.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chilling with my Mentor

April, 11, 08
4:30pm 7:00pm

On Friday i met with my mentor Ron. When i arrived Ron was on his way out to the store to buy some ink for the printers. I talked to him real quick and he told another employee at the shop and he agreed to let me watch him tattoo some people. As Ron left the other guy started to tattoo some girl on her leg. This girl got a tiny star on her ankle. I didnt get to watch him tattoo her because by the time i came back in to the shop the guy was done tattooing. This professional tattoo artist are real quick in what they do and real good at it. Well as i sat there waited another lady came in and showed Rons friend a picture of a tattoo she wanted to get. The picture was a painters pad with colors on it and paint brushes behind the pad. Rons friend then quickly rezized the picture so it could be smaller and fit on her wrist. After he resized he made sure it would fit and then he started to stencil it. This guy really didnt talk to me much about what he was doing or anything but i still watched him. As the lady waited for him to stencil it i asked her if i could take some pictures while she got her tattoo and she agreed to let me. Then Rons friend came back and told us he was ready. He applied the stencil and started to tatoo. Ron told me that when ever he would tattoo someone he would talk me through what he was doing and all but this guy did not talk to me at all. As soon as he started to tattoo, not even ten minutes in Ron showed up and i started to talk to him.

I talked to Ron about how i had bought some fake tattoo skin and a tattoo machine. He said that was great and asked if he had any of it with me. Ron showed me his machine and showed me how a machine should sound like when it is running correctly. Ron then started to prep some piercing for some girls who were about to get an ear piercing. While he did this i walked outside and got the fake skin and my tattoo machine. When i came back in Anna (my girlfriend) was talking to Ron about a tattoo she got. Ron then gave her some tips that she could use to keep her tattoo looking good. Ron looked at my tattoo gun and started to show me how to tune it. I had started to do some tattooing on the fake skin but my tattoo machine stopped working and i could get it to work for a while but then it would stop working after a while. Well Ron helped me out with this problem by teaching me how to tune it. Now it works real good and I can start working on my product. After he tuned my machine he talked to me a little more about what other things i could use to tattoo on. He told me i could use pig ears and bananas and grapefruits to do this. Ron said that the pig ears are most similar to real human skin. When using pig ears you really cant keep them for a long time because the start to rot and get real smelly. I was thinking on going back this week but Ron is going out of town and not coming back until Thursday. Hopefully i can meet with him then and get some more mentor hours. Well thats pretty much it for this visit.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Bibliography on Huxley

Aldous Huxley was born the 26 of July 1894 in Godalming, England. Huxley was born into a prominent family. As a child he learned at his father well equipped botanical lab. Then later on he went to a school called Hillside. While at Hillside he was under constant supervision by his mom since she was his teacher. Then he went on to Eton college where he studied until he became ill. The illness left him practically blind for about two- three years. Once he got better he went and studied English literature at Bailliol college. He then later worked at the technologically-advanced Brunner and Mond chemical plant in Bellingham Teaside. After working here Huxley wrote Brave New World.

Huxley then later worked as a farm labourer where he met alot of interesting figures. In 1919 he married and later moved out to California in 1937. While in California he did a couple of movie scripts due to the fact that he was real good at writing papers. Huxley once wrote the synopsis of Alice and wonderland for Walt Disney. Walt Disney rejected the script due to the fact that he could only understand every third word.

The same illness that affected Huxley as a teenager never left him with good eyesight for the rest of his life. In 1939 Huxley started to use the Bates Method in hopes that he would recover his eyesight. While using this method he was inpired to write a book called The Art Of Seeing. Huxley truely believed that the Bates Method worked but while giving a speech once he started pulling in the paper closer and closer to his eyes. It was then obviouse that Huxley had not gained any eyesight but that he was just remembering his speeches.

Huxley was also known for taking psychedelic drugs. The one he is most known for taking is LSD. It is believed that in 1930 he took peyote with the Mystic Aleister Crowley. He was later introduced to mescaline by his psychiatrist in 1953. Huxley wrote a number of essays which depicted his experiences while on his psychedelic drugs. Many of this essays were constantly read by early hippies. Huxley used LSD so much that even on his death bed he took 100 micrograms as he lay dying.

In wikipedia i read about how working at the chemical plant was a source in the book. I believe that the experience from working at the chemical plant really had a great influence on the book. If you think about it, in the book Huxley talked alot about how humans were conditioned to be specific members of the caste sytem. While at the chemical lab Huxley must have seen alot of things being engineered to do specific things. Being around all of this experimenting and engineering of chemicals must have given him alot of ideas about how the future world could turn out to be. Huxley also talks alot about soma which is like a pill people take to relax them and take the stesses of life from them. Huxley probably used his experiences of drug use in this book. In 1930 when Huxley took peyote he must have had a good experience from it. I researched the effects that peyote gives you on yahoo and here is what a group of people who have taken the drug say, "Peyote gives you a divine feeling and it makes you feel enlighted and happy". So Huxley's experience using this drug could have lead him to putting it in the book with a different name. One of the descriptions of soma use in the book says that it would relax you if mad or angry. Many of the times that soma was used it was used to calm one of the characters in the book down.

The invention of the assembly by the Ford company could have also been a source used by Huxley when writing this book. In the beginning of the book Huxley writes about how the human is recreated. The infants are in a bottle which is on a line that is constantly moving. In the book Huxley would always talk about how the assembly line of infants was used for mass production. When i read about the Ford assembly line they also said it was great and it enabled the mass production of cars. Huxley also put some humor in the book and it had to do with Ford. In the book people would say things like " Oh Ford" instead of "Oh God". I thought this was real funny.

Aldous Huxley life was very interesting and bizzarre. One thing i can tell you is that this guy can write some good literature. Many people can have there opinion of why he wrote Brave New World but will anyone of us really ever know the true meaning of the book? All i know is that this guy had an imagination way ahead of his time.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting with Mentor

February 15, 2008
5:30pm - 8:00pm
I met with Ron Hendon around 5:30. Ron is the owner of a tattoo shop here in Athens called Midnight Iguana. When i arrived i had to wait for about fifteen minutes while he finfished doing some work. While i waited i looked at some tattoo flash which was on a table in the middle of the waiting room. Then he came out and we talked about the purpose of the senior project. Ron agreed to help me make a product for my project. The product is going to be a tattoo on fake skin. After talking about the product we talked about some of the techniques used to tattoo. We didnt go into depth about the techniques but we will once i start to work on my product. Ron also explained to me the process of scar correction which is a service they provide at the shop. As we were talking about this a couple of people came in and they talked about getting a tattoo. Ron helped them out and we got back to talking about the procedure of scar removal. Ron introduced me to the other artist that work there and let them know i would start coming to the shop. Ron told me i should start coming by and hanging out with them so that i could learn the process of preparing the drawing to tattoo and so i could see the actual tattoo process. Well I havent been back in a while but i plan on calling him today and seeing if i can stop by for a while.